Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out


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More for my own sanity than anything else, I’ll be building up a simple interface, that will query an API and display the results in a view. The process will involve writing a test in Jasmine and then writing some code to make it pass.

The idea is that there will be a:

  • Search View
  • Search Model
  • A List View
  • A List collection
  • A Result/List Item that will form part of the List Collection
  • Some routes to bind the two views together


To get started everything is in the setup branch. I have also included a simple node https server to serve up the the SpecRunner file (running on http://localhost:3000), a few helper libraries (jasmine-jquery and jasmine-sinon) with additional matchers.

Search form

Basically I intend to hit the blizzard API to retrieve the feed of a given character on a given realm. To start off let’s create a search view and get started with a really basic test to load a fixture and make sure it’s been been loaded (see commit).

Next let’s set up Backbone.js to bind to that fixture. It’s a good idea to namespace your JS, so we’ll introduce a BackboneJasmine namespace for all of the code. This is now a global variable, so the gobal namespace checker will complain, so we need to update the globalNameSpaceChecker.spec.js file to allow this variable.

Next we can go ahead and create our search view (see commit).

beforeEach(function () {
    this.view = new BackboneJasmine.SearchView();

it('should load a fixture', function () {

describe('instantiation', function () {

    it('should create search container', function () {

Right now there’s a blank container, time to add some form fields. It would be nice to bind these fields to a model and set some default values. Furthermore at a later stage the model will be used to validate the field values. Let’s put some tests around creating a Search View Model, instantiating it with some default values. Here’s the test code:

beforeEach(function() {
   this.model = new BackboneJasmine.SearchModel();

it('should instantiate', function() {

Time to build up the SearchModel and make sure it instantiates with sensible defaults (see SearchModel.js for commit).

Backbone has a validate() method, that gets called whenever an attribute is set or the model is saved. This in turn triggers an error event when things aren’t quite right. So let’s try and put it to use and write some tests around not being able to set an empty character and realm.

describe('validation', function () {

    beforeEach(function () {
        this.errorEventSpy = sinon.spy();
        this.model.bind('error', this.errorEventSpy);

        this.changeEventSpy = sinon.spy();
        this.model.bind('change', this.changeEventSpy);

    it('should not allow an empty character name', function() {
        this.model.set({characterName: ''});


    it('should not allow an empty realm name', function() {
        this.model.set({realm: ''});


I am using sinon for spying in these examples and I have also pulled in a bunch of custom matchers. The code to help the tests pass can found @ commit.

Time to hook the code into back into the View Model, let’s start by taking the default values from the model and putting into the view. Here’s the test code:

it('should populate the form fields with values from the model', function() {

The code to make this test pass can be found here

With some basic validation in place, it’s time to return to the view and write some tests around saving values set in the view back to the model and also make sure the validation is triggered.

describe('saving values back to the model', function() {

    it('should save entered values back to our model', function() {
        var name = 'Some name',
            realm = 'Some realm';





Now write some code to make the test pass, by first binding an event to a click action which calls a method to set the values in the model here. Likewise we can now test that the we cannot store empty values:

describe('validation fails', function() {
    it('should not save values if the validation fails', function() {
        var originalName = this.view.model.get('characterName'),
            originalRealm = this.view.model.get('realm');





Making use of the error event that has been raised by the model, let’s see if we can’t push something into the view to help fix those errors. Let start by testing for an error class and a data-error attribute. The test has been re-worked a little:

describe('validation fails', function() {
    beforeEach(function() {
        this.originalName = this.view.model.get('characterName'),
        this.originalRealm = this.view.model.get('realm');




    it('should show error messages in the UI', function() {
        expect($('#characterName').data('error')).toBe('empty character name supplied');

The code to make this test pass can be found here. Let’s expand this test a little and play with spies and test that the setError method was actually called. I am doing this because it’s a concept I am wrestling with. Short of monkey patching, I have not been able to set up spies on events that are bound when the view initialises. However, you can set a spy on a method gets called as part of the event execution (such as the setError method in this case). So the test is updated as follows:

beforeEach(function() {
    var spy = sinon.spy(this.view, 'setError');
    this.originalName = this.view.model.get('characterName'),
    this.originalRealm = this.view.model.get('realm');



afterEach(function() {


it('should show error messages in the UI', function() {
    expect($('#characterName').data('error')).toBe('empty character name supplied');

I already new the code was being called, but I feel happier now that I can assert that the method is being called and not just the outcome. Let’s extend this and actually render an error message.

beforeEach(function() {
    var spy = sinon.spy(this.view, 'setError'),
        spyShowError = sinon.spy(this.view, 'showError');
    this.originalName = this.view.model.get('characterName');
    this.originalRealm = this.view.model.get('realm');



afterEach(function() {


it('should display an error message', function() {

Time to add a ‘showError’ method that will prepend a div to the element in question and insert the text stored in the element’s data-error attribute. And this for now at least concludes the search view part.