Greg's Blog

helping me remember what I figure out

Gotta Love the Internet

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2-3 weeks worth of useful stuff I have found while working, doing research or just plain trawling the net for fun. Everything from inkblots, to deign patterns, CSS hacks and workarounds, java stuff, a couple of essays/speeches on standards and then some.

  1. Using inkblots to create 20 character strong and memorable passwords.
  2. Some more useful information on keyword search and optimisation article.
  3. Courtesy of Zeldman an accessibility checking tool along the lines of Bobby… and agree it’s better!
  4. A work around to using the dotted property in IE which results in dashes being displayed. With the help of an image and some CSS this can be overcome, find the work around and an explanation here.
  5. Doug Bowman presents a neat little technique for replacing text with images, CSS style!
  6. A cool resource with tons resources, books, study guides, mock exams for those interested in Java certification
  7. The top ten errors when programming in Java
  8. From Digital web a brief article on using xHTML to build a rough and plain prototype to test the IA of a web site, before delving into the visual aspect. Stylesheets can then easily be applied to the prototypes once the structure and usability has been verified. Pretty neat. For those interested the corporate side of TCIAS is undergoing this technique
  9. Forever reading… Found this article on writing Java games for wireless devices
  10. One for later, an article on User Metrics.
  11. A List Apart presents a short and sweet guide to why xHTML and CSS can improve your pages readability for search engines. Yet another reason to opt for standards!
  12. design patterns for design… not programming. Sounds like a good idea, just as design patterns are a great idea in the programming world
  13. A look behind web standardsand why they are the way they are.
  14. This site offers an introduction to mod_rewrite for Apache. Why? Amongst other things very useful for search engine optimisation.
  15. A commercial phone emulation tool for viewing your pages as they would be on a mobile device. Heaps of different devices are emulated/li>
  16. Zeldman has just come back from the “Web Design World” conference and has kindly put up his presentations on Web Standards and Section 508
  17. An introduction to building accessible and standards compliant multimedia presentations using SMIL.
  18. And to finish it all off, something a little bizarre, a tutorial on writing using Elven fonts